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Ban Porn in Schools

Pornography is Currently Accepted in Schools Across America

Not for long! This website along with several others, is working to expose the schools for many unacceptable practices and protocols. For instance, did you know our future leaders, even our children, are being taught that all forms of sexual pleasure are 100% natural and regular to begin exploring at younger ages each year?

Did you know many of the current social disorders facing our young leaders of tomorrow, are preventable and in most cases, caused by the system our tax dollars fund each and every year.

It is time to recognize and hold accountable, those who persist these perversions of “non-academic” areas of intrigue. We believe in holding the schools liable for the damage they continue to inflict on the minds of our youth.

If you’re ready to commit to the fight for our youth to learn public truths in public schools and personal truths in the privacy of their familial ecosystems, fill out the short form below.

We’re excited to add you to the roster and look forward to working with you. Now you know you’re not alone!

Parents Alliance Roster Sign-Up

By submitting your information below, you’re agreeding ONLY to receive communications from us regarding the movement to remove pornography from schools. We will not sell, transfer, mine, or monetize your information in any way. Every digital communication from us will have instructions on how to opt-out.

These books are found in school libraries across America…

In the media…

What is a woman?

Original Source: Daily Wire
Nazi Diction Groomer Seducer Corrupter